Monday, December 13, 2010

On being distracted by cold hard cash

Fuck you, ATM!
You made me insert my card,
and I forgot it.

You know what they say,
"Out of sight and out of mind."
So it's all your fault.

Seriously, why do they still make those ATMs that suck in your card anymore? The swiping kind seem much more simple and don't risk people leaving their cards behind.

1 comment:

JD said...

I think that the original idea was that if they kept your card, you could perform multiple actions without having to re-validate (by swiping and entering your pin). It seems that all the super-fancy new ATMS cropping up are the swipe variety though, so maybe they realized that 99% of all ATM transactions are only 1 action. :)

Sucks about your card! :\